Sunday, June 08, 2008

Obamania in debates

Last week, I had a conversation with some friends about Obamania v. McCain in debates.

It's always been my belief that Obamania is awesome on a teleprompter but a poor extemporaneous speaker because he's so uninformed. I think McCain can wipe him out early if they can go head to head. I think this video proves it.


Anonymous said...

My biggest question is this. What will Senator Obama do if he actually gets elected president and has to deal with Iraq? Will he pull troops? No f-ing way he will. Will he stay? You bet your asterisk he will. Know why? He's a politician and a liberal wimp.

Good luck in the White House. Try not to steal as much crap as the Clinton's did. I know you think you're black and like to play that card, but we know better, you Cracker!

gordon gekko said...

That doesn't sound all that Reagan like.