Monday, June 09, 2008

Steyn on America

Mark Steyn on how Obamania wants to take the best thing in the world, America's freedom, and turn it into something else.
Speaking personally, I don’t want to remake America. I’m an immigrant and one reason I came here is because most of the rest of the western world remade itself along the lines Sen. Obama has in mind. This is pretty much the end of the line for me. If he remakes America, there’s nowhere for me to go — although presumably once he’s lowered sea levels around the planet there should be a few new atolls popping up here and there.

This is one of the things that has always bothered me about "progressive" thought. "Progressives" are continually wanting to turn the US into Europe. But why?

Europe is already available, if you want Europe you're always free to go there. This is the US. There is a reason millions upon millions of people emigrate from Europe to here. It's because we're not Europe.

Haven't these people heard? We don't have socialized medicine. We also don't have 10% unemployment and a decaying society as a result of the rampant socialism where workers have a disincentive to work.


Anonymous said...

The french 35 hour work week comes to mind. That is guided by the socialist assumption that a worker doing OT puts other workers out of a job.

I used to think that too. But by the time I got to the 4th grade I figured out that the economy works on the multiplier principle.

gordon gekko said...

All these liberals like to look at Europe as some kind of tolerance utopia.

They have as many if not more racial issues in these countries than we do.

Much of which is a direct result of this economic socialism which prevents people from achieving.

Anonymous said...

Bigger gettos too.