Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pot, Kettle, Black award

It's been a while for a PKB award but this week we're going to award one to none other than John Kerry.

What's John Kerry in the news for?
John Kerry, who's served in the past as Obama's heavy-hitter on national security, expressed incredulity at McCain's remark this morning that the timing of troops return is "not too important."

"It is unbelievably out of touch and inconsistent with the needs of Americans and particularly the families of troops who are over there. To them it’s the most important thing in the world when they come home," he said. "It’s a policy for staying in Iraq."

Kerry and Obama aide Susan Rice also both said McCain is "confused"* -- a line some in McCain's camp will surely take as a shot at the candidate's age.

Unbelievably out of touch? Coming from the man who goes wind surfing for a photo op that's a big time statement. Now pass me the arugula.

1 comment:

Joe C. said...

This from the camp that believes that Iran, Syria, and N. Korea are no real threat 'cuz they have less area than the old USSR.

"Doyyy! We shood invaid Alasker cuz it's bigger." B. Hussein O.