Meet Helen Jones-Kelley, Director of the ODJFS.
Ms. Jones-Kelley thought it would be a good idea to make sure that she used state databases to out Joe "The Plumber".
Oh, by the way, she's a maximum Obama supporter.
The good news, she'll probably get to keep her job just to make sure none of the electorate ask too many important questions.
More at Ace of Spades.
She's angling for the head of the KGB post in the new Obama administration.
Government should have the right to abuse their power whenever it wants - Adolf Jr.
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Only black people shown on her webpage. I guess whites are ineligble for these give aways.
Hey Helen E Jones-Kelley, you repulsive piece of human shit!
How fucking dare you invade the privacy of Joe the Plumber simply because he asked Your Man a simple question that happened to vividly expose his pathetic ass as the fucking smooth-talking socialist he truly is?!
IMHO, you should submit your resignation immediately you miserable mistake for a government official!
And I sincerely wish you the bleakest future possible; for that is precisely what you deserve!
Remember bitch, you are/were a fucking public servant, and you fucking work for us!
Lastly, I also think you’re a fucking racist!
With Due Disrespect,
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