Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life in Obamaville

So how will the liberal policies of the Axis of Taxes (Obama, Pelosi, Reid) impact the US.....

The Obama worldview accepts and condones Bill Ayers, ACORN, Rashid Khalidi, Jeremiah Wright, and Raila Odinga, to mention only a few out of the menagerie that Obama has presented us. (Isn't strange how liberal leaders always seem to be leading around a carnival sideshow? Think of FDR's crew -= Howe, Hopkins, White, Tugwell, Stettinius, Hiss, Wallace, to mention only a few. Then move onto the Carter clan. Then Bill Clinton's admiration society. And we're supposed to disdain Sarah Plain?) When you pull that lever, you're also pulling it for them -- there's no way to deny it, the entanglement is simply too great.

And you're pulling it for something else as well.

Over the past fifty years, something on the order of a half-million Americans -- that is to say 500,000 of our friends and neighbors -- have been killed by liberal policies. This is not hyperbole, this is not exaggeration; it is a cold statement of fact. By my own calculations, up to 260,000 people died prematurely due to the criminal justice "reform" of the 50s and 60s. Studies have shown that up to 121,000 died thanks to the CAFE standards mandating gasoline miles-per-gallon for cars, and as of last year, trucks as well. Several thousand children have been killed after falling into the hands of various state child "protective" agencies. Thousands have fallen victim to assorted environmental regulations. And we could go on to FDA drug regulations, AIDS policy, immigration policy to the point of delirium. Throwing in DDT and various foreign policy fiascos raises the numbers by several orders of magnitude. We'll put abortion aside for the moment.

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