Saturday, November 01, 2008

More democratic hypocrisy

First, I don't like the right wingers going after Obama's aunt. It's the kind of thing that people have been bitching about with Joe the Plumber. We shouldn't be in the same game.

She's not part of the campaign, leave her alone.

With that said, isn't it interesting that The Messiah makes millions yet doesn't do a damn thing for his relative, although he expects the American taxpayer to foot the bill for someone who's not even a legal citizen. And if they don't, they're selfish?

Somehow that's so democrat. Like Joe Biden, donater of all of $300 last year wanting others to kick in when he doesn't. Or The Messiah, who expects the taxpayer's to take care of what he won't personally.

Don't worry Obama, no one will ever accuse you of sharing your toys with another.... it's clear you never have.

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