Friday, October 17, 2008

Socialism - Obama Style

David Limbaugh...

"In certain unscripted moments, Barack Obama has given us a glimpse of his socialist inclinations, but I wonder what percentage would vote for him if they truly understood the extent of his radicalism.

Yet the financial crisis has created a climate of fear and uncertainty and unleashed an unprecedented tolerance for large-scale government intervention, which is playing perfectly into Obama's hands. People are blaming this largely Democratic-spawned mess on Republicans because Bush is still president.

Maybe I'm being too much of an alarmist, but I'm worried for the first time in my life that the election of a presidential candidate could lead to a fundamental change in our system of government. Just listen to the comments of post-debate focus group members expressing a knowing willingness to accept Obama's socialism, such is their angst at the subprime mortgage mess.

Already some 38 percent of Americans do not pay income taxes, and Barack Obama wants to increase that percentage dramatically. How ironic that he and other Democrats pretend to be targeting their message to "working-class" people when many of their constituents aren't working. But such is class warfare that the upper-middle class and wealthy are demonized as not earning an honest living. "



Anonymous said...

I voted for Bush both times. I don't regeret those votes. But I have to say that, after eight years, I'm pretty sick of him and ready for a change. I think I'm like many other conservatives in this regard. Do I want Obama? Hell no. Why? Because I have a brain, I know history, and I am experienced enough to know that socialism is a power grab for elites, not an answer to a problem. But I'm hardly passionate about a McCain. So that's where I stand. But for those who have no strong core beliefs (most americans) the obvious choice seems to be Obama.

But most Americans do not understand what socialism is. Most don't care that that is where Obama wants to go. Only after Obama's policies begin to take shape and the specifics begin to be known will most americans take notice. The fight against Obama will not be won before the election. He's been too smooth as he throws those sliders past a gullible public. The fight will have to take shape when he actually starts talking specific policy. Ironically, for that reason, he will be easier to oppose while in office.

gordon gekko said...

Actually I agree with everything but your last two sentences.

The democrats have shown a propensity to champion liberal causes at the expense of popular sentiment ie. energy.

He must go down to avoid a triple witching of liberalism.