Friday, May 08, 2009

Another Friday Funny

So the head of the CDC is afraid we might become complacent about the swine flu.

There might be a reason. Maybe it because of all the rest of the government warnings as to how we'll meet the apocalypse.

Here's a list of other scares in my lifetime (From Mike McConnell).......

Well, since you didn't post it, I did it myself.. the last two I added. Edit and post if you like.

This is a short list of all the scares that have happened in our life time . We were all supposed to die or the world was going to come to an end as we know it.

  1. Swine flu (now)
  2. Mad cow disease
  3. Swine flu-circa 1975
  4. Avian flu
  5. S.A.R.S.
  6. Alar scare
  7. Hunta virus
  8. Hole in the ozone
  9. Silicone breast implants
  10. Killer bees
  11. Global warming
  12. Global cooling
  13. Y2K
  14. Acid rain
  15. Red Dye # 2
  16. Saccharin scare
  17. A.I.D.S
  18. D.D.T
  19. Lyme Disease
  20. West Nile Virus
  21. Mercury in fish
  22. Radon
  23. Cell phones causing cancer
  24. Running out of oil
  25. Cell phones causing cars to explode while being fueled
  26. Flu shots (in general)
  27. Radiation Poisoning
  28. Nuclear Holocaust

Living near power lines
Rain forest destruction
Extinction of other life forms.

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