Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Now go ahead and send them money

The school district the Gekko's reside in, Little Miami, failed to pass a 9.95 operating levy yesterday.

In fact, it went down 58-42 percent.

The tax increase was a whopper, adding $305 on a $100,000 home.

Now if you are one of those who voted for this tax, there's absolutely nothing keeping you from sending in your $305. And believe it or not, you can actually send them more.

In fact, if the nearly four thousand people who voted for the levy sent in $305, the school would reap 1.2 million dollars, enough to keep some programs alive.

If you don't, you must be against the kids because that's what the sign in your front yard said.

Oh, Oh, by the way, if you voted against the levy, Janet Napolitano wants you to know that you've been targeted as an extremist because you are a tax hater.

Article here.......

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