Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hey! You guys supported him

One of the most baffling things I've ever witnessed in my political voyeurism is the media's hard on for liberals.

Because if you look at the first people the lefties start purging it's the media types (ie Hugo Chavez/Fidel Castro).

This past week, the White House press corp celebrated Festivus with a airing of the grievances with Robbie Gibbs.

Then they have this little episode with the media being pushed away from covering some gay protesters at the White House.

The media is so fed up with the Obamunists it lead one member to drop this bomb.

The White House is working hard to secure deals that yield fluffy, feel good commentary about the Obama White House. One American White House reporter used colorful terms to describe the arrangement. The reporter said, "They want 'blow jobs' first [in the press sense]. Then you have to be on good behavior for a bit or be willing to deal, and then you get access."

"Axe" and "Gibbs" know who needs access to get their books pushed forward.

They know who will pay for play -- and are taking notes on who has been naughty and nice in their reporting.

Hey you guys love him...... I think it's fitting. Remember a change of clothes.

Just remember, this will be the most transparent administration in history, as long as you don't ask about Goldman Sachs, the IG firing, the president's golf infatuation, etc.....

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