Monday, April 19, 2010

Pass it so we know what's in it

I will give Nancy Pelosi credit for her honesty, we did have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.

Over at Doug Ross, the plethora of good things in the bill............

• There is a new tax on home sales of 3.8%. This will hit middle-income people who are "'rich' for only one day" as they sell a house and buy a new one.

• There are $15.2 billion in new taxes on the middle class as DemCare severely restricts the medical expense deduction, which is widely used by families who have a serious illness or are elderly.

• According to Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), there is a huge new loophole in the bill as nothing prevents health care companies from raising rates by any amount.

• The bill will lead to a dramatic shortage of doctors -- around 150,000 doctors almost immediately -- because the pool of newly insured welfare DemCare recipients has expanded so dramatically.

Thanks reader Jeremy for the tip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We knew the HC bill would screw the American people. We just didn't know which orafice would be first. But there is a whole class of people who are not engaged in politics who only heard the main stream media sales job for the past year. They expected their HC problems to be solved by now. But nothing has changed except the cost side is finally coming out. Many are questioning the cost benefit. Unfortunately the time to be engaged has passed.