Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Can't I just vote present?

David Gergen thinks The One should take charge..........

Enough is enough! After the latest failure by BP to plug the gaping hole, it is time for President Obama to take full command of this growing national catastrophe. Immediately!

The president in his press conference this past Thursday assured the nation that he and his administration were already in charge and he has manfully taken personal responsibility -- "the buck stops here," he said, echoing Harry Truman. Well, it may be true that BP has been acting all along under the oversight of the federal government, but that supervision has been loose and ineffective.

To the world, it has been apparent that the government has been riding shotgun and BP has been at the wheel. It's time for the White House to get in the driver's seat and get us to safety -- fast.

First, I don't hold Obama responsible for the slick just like I didn't hold Bush responsible for Katrina because, unlike your average voter, I understand that government's are impotent when it comes to handling every contingency that comes down the road.

Like it or not, it's the private sector is who solves problems in this world. I was kidding some relatives over the weekend instead of calling FEMA to handle the Katrina issues Louisiana should have called Walmart. I guarantee it would have been handled faster and more efficiently.

With all that said, Obama brought this on himself. Remember his democratic acceptance speech when he declared "the rise of the oceans began to slow." Somehow, he failed to tell us they would be covered in a giant slick during that slowdown.

Believe it or not, I blame nearly all of this on the elder George Bush. Do you happen to remember his first debate with Clinton and Ross Perot when he was asked some pathetic question from a ding dong about the president being a father and the citizens being their children.

Instead of stammering around, it would have been a great opportunity for him to educate the public with this line. "I am president of the United States. I am not your father, mother, sister, brother. I am not omnipresent. I cannot solve all the ails of the world, or even this country's. What ails you is your responsibility and yours alone."

Instead we've had administration after administration over promising solutions to everything from global warming to bunions and then ending up with a dissatisfied public when they under deliver.

The media is a conspirator in this myth as well looking to the government to solve ever problem known to man kind without having enough smarts to realize government's limitations.

But hey, as long as there's a president who believes he can slow the rising oceans I say go for it dude.

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