Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Clinton Loyalty

One of the most fascinating aspects of liberal politics is the unwavering liberal love of the Clintons.


What have the Clintons ever done for liberals or the democratic party. Remember, the Clinton's were the first to employ "triangulation" knowing the public's distrust of liberal policies. The Clinton's coattails have always extended to just below their backsides. Effectively, just enough to cover their own rear ends but certainly not enough to carry others.

They've sold out liberal causes with things like the war, welfare reform, the death penalty and "don't ask don't tell".

In the 1990's, the Clinton's effectively took over the DNC to do their dirty work at the risk of long term party growth.

Yet, given all that, I see this headline

Vulnerable Democrats See Fates Tied to Clinton

Let's put this in a metaphor. If you were on a lifeboat with a Clinton, I guarantee they would kill and eat you, before you got a chance to use any of the supplies on the raft. I think I'd tie my fate to something else.

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