Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Weasel

Investor's Business Daily with commentary on the honorable senator Harry Reid.


Reid, who didn't let President Ford's funeral interrupt his junket to Peru's Machu Picchu ruins in January, managed to lead only a tiny percentage of the Senate against free trade for our Andean ally on Tuesday, as the pact won 77-18. His stance not only showed how bad his judgment is, but how out of touch he is even with his own party.

Peru was supposed to be the easiest of all trade pacts for Congress to approve. The AFL-CIO didn't oppose it, and Peru accepted changes without complaint to ensure its passage. There was no good reason not to support it. But Reid voted "no" anyway, and justified it in an 883-word diatribe blaming Bush.

"I support engagement with Latin America; I strongly support being a better neighbor, but I do not support this narrow policy tool that the Bush administration has fixated on," Reid said.


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