Saturday, December 08, 2007

Do you believe in Miracles

Jason Lee Steorts comments on Christians (specifically Catholics) who want to beat on Mitt Romney.


Everything was created by an all-powerful and all-knowing being who exists outside of space and time. This being impregnated a human woman through non-physical means and was born as her offspring. Within space and time, the being was executed as a criminal and spent three days in a tomb. But then it came back to life and went up to a place called Heaven, which we cannot detect or observe. We eat this being’s body once a week. By doing this — and sundry other things, such as getting sprinkled with water by a man in a robe who utters an incantation, or telling the man in the robe all the bad things we do — by doing this, we too can go to Heaven after our own bodies come up out of their graves.

His point is how do mainstream Christians pass judgment on Mormonism when their own faith is based on something that totally runs against logic.

I don't know why Romney rubs me the wrong way. It may be his Mormonism or maybe it's his background in Massachusetts. Regardless, this article does give me time to pause and think about my own prejudices.

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