Saturday, December 08, 2007

Why give shooter boy what he wants

All those a-holes that like to call themselves "journalists", somehow lack the intelligence to recognized that they are pawns being duped by so many derelicts in the world.

So this week we have a murderer who tells all his acquaintances that he's going to be famous. So how do all those "journalists" handle this information? They proceed to post his picture, name and biography all over every newspaper, web site and newscast in the country.

Mona Charon at National Review Online addresses the issue.


I still remember where I was when I heard that the student who committed the Virginia Tech massacre had released a press packet including a video, a manifesto, and photos of himself holding various weapons. I was just leaving a TV studio (having spoken about something else). Bursting with anger, I asked one of the producers if I could use his computer and posted on the web an urgent plea to NBC News (the organization that had first received the packet): “Don’t publish it!”

They did, of course. And so did every other news outlet. The killer’s picture, his disordered thoughts, and his resentments were aired for days and weeks.

The same dangerous pattern has been repeated again and again. The disturbed man who took hostages at Sen. Clinton’s headquarters in New Hampshire told loved ones to “watch the news tonight.” The shooter who terrorized an Omaha shopping mall by mowing down total strangers has achieved his goal (and I will not add to the problem by publishing his name). He left a suicide note in which he predicted “at least now I’ll be famous.” His picture is featured in every newspaper and is flashed on television hourly. His miseries are being dissected and analyzed. An unhappy and rejected young man is finally getting, posthumously, the attention he clearly sought but could not secure in life. And other disturbed people are watching and taking note.

Apparently, the only way a "journalist" will ever get the hint is when one of these idiots raids one of their offices and shoots up a bunch of their comrades.

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