Friday, December 07, 2007

Journalist snubs bloggers.... again

Here's an interesting exchange with Helen Thomas regarding whether bloggers are journalists.

Dear Helen, for the record, I'm more of a "journalist than you are and I'm an accountant.

Again, someone needs to remind me of what makes a "journalist"?

According to Wikipedia (the devil per Ms. Thomas), here are her credentials

Thomas was born in Winchester, Kentucky, to Lebanese immigrants.[1] She was reared in Detroit, Michigan and attended Wayne University, graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1942. Thomas' first job in journalism was as a copygirl for the now-defunct Washington Daily News, but shortly after she was promoted to cub reporter she was laid off as part of massive cutbacks at the paper.

So maybe it's a college degree? Except Peter Jennings was a high school drop out.

I know... you have to pass an exam like the bar, the CPA exam, or medical boards. Nope.

Apparently, what makes you a journalist is to hang out with other people who call themselves "journalists".

Maybe we can hang an MA on the end of all "journalist" names. Think of it, Helen Thomas MA (Masters in Arrogance).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neopotism is present in all facists of our media. You can look across all venues, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX...they cross all lines. But, they all come from the same litter box...don't they know that the dump public that I represent can figure this out???

Read Scott Burns if you want to know about government and taxes.