Friday, December 07, 2007

The libs close in

Ever since Tim Russert drew blood with the "driver's licenses for illegals" question, it looks like liberals have sniffed the smelling salts and are starting to hit the Hill pretty hard.

You've got all the big papers coming out with their "Why we can't nominate Hillary" pieces.

Here's one from the uber liberal LA Times


On paper, they look an awful lot like Hillary Rodham Clinton. They are professional women of a certain age -- politically active Democrats, liberals, unabashed feminists who remember what it was like to be told they could not become firefighters or university department heads, let alone president of the United States of America.

They are women of accomplishment who have bumped up against glass ceilings, sometimes breaking them, while managing marriages, raising children and trying to make the world their version of a better place.

They have waited a long, long time for a plausible female presidential candidate. You'd think they'd be rushing to support Clinton. But they can't stand her.

I love it when they eat their own.


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