Saturday, February 09, 2008

Can The Billary lose with grace

Peggy Noonan with a piece on The Billary


If Hillary Clinton loses, does she know how to lose? What will that be, if she loses? Will she just say, "I concede" and go on vacation at a friend's house on an island, and then go back to the Senate and wait?

Is it possible she could be so normal? Politicians lose battles, it's part of what they do, win and lose. But she does not know how to lose. Can she lose with grace? But she does grace the way George W. Bush does nuance.

I can think of thousands of adjectives to describe the The Billary; some even positive. But "graceful" would never land anywhere near my tongue.

As I've said before, liberals are getting a taste of the FrankenBillary they created. The qualities of the Billary are what had conservatives frothing at the mouth 16 years ago.

If you are a liberal ask yourself this question, is there any candidate that brings so much ire to conservatives? Maybe that's why you like The Billary; simply because they stick it in the eye of conservatives.

Well now you've got them and they aren't going away until they suck the oxygen and life out of the party and Obama.

By the time The Billary gets done with Obama, democrats will be running with a chalk outline on the road as their candidate.

Hey don't thank us conservatives, you created it.

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