Saturday, February 09, 2008

Wanted - liberal jokes

I get on average about 100 jokes about The Billary/Obama/democrats every day from various friends & family.

Since my homey's are predominately conservative, it would stand to reason. Some are actually quite good and I would like to post them but then I thought I should be fair and give some libs some equal time on jokes.

If you or anyone you know cycle liberal jokes through email would you copy me on them. I'd like to see if I can post a good conservative and liberal joke once a week.

If you have any, please email them to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liberals don't do that whole e-mail thing with the "jokes" meant to rile people up and get them angry either at their fellow Americans, with labels making fun of conservatives, etc. or our so-called "enemies".

I get tons of that stuff from conservative acquaintances. Bigotry and spin hidden behind jokes, constructed to promote some propaganda. If you want to post the type of e-mails Liberals and Democrats send out, you'll have to settle for petitions meant to be signed and articles, which require some reading and thinking.