Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Podhoretz on McCain

John Podhoretz on the right's distaste for McCain

Whatever John McCain is, he is not a liberal. But he disappoints conservatives because, astonishingly enough, he lacks the Right’s partisan combativeness — which seems surprising, given his background as a warrior and his stiff-necked heroism in staring down his North Vietnamese torturer-jailers. He may be a military man through and through, but he is not a team player, to put it mildly. In partisan terms, he often seems determined not to march in lockstep simply because others expect it of him. That’s why, among other things, he has been so wildly incompetent at using his own perfect pro-life record iin the House and Senate to his own benefit in seeking support from Republicans who share his anti-abortion views. Such a thing would require him to fall in line, and McCain does not fall in line.

I actually disagree with Podhoretz. I won't speak for "the right" on this but my take is this. What gets into my rear about McCain is his willingness to fight on an issue that pokes the eyes of conservatism.

McCain-Feingold, immigration, gang of 14, you name it. He'll not only throw conservatives under the bus on the issue; he'll put on the cap and get behind the driver's wheel.

Just one time, I would have liked to see McCain take an issue and actually fight the conservative cause, just one time.

It's what I don't trust about McCain, he's loaded up his resume with lot's of conservative votes in the senate but where the rubber meets the road, he's all about supporting liberal causes.

If someone can think of a conservative cause he's championed, I'd like to know what it is. If you're going to tell me abortion, I'd tell you that any vote on abortion is wasted since the courts have basically stolen the issue.

Just one, I'm only asking for one.


The Squeaky Wheel said...

Brilliant post and spot on!

Jason Haas said...

I assume you believe supporting the surge last year doesn't count. Interesting. Why not?

gordon gekko said...

Good point. I was generally thinking of domestic issues, but I concede your point.

Let's come at this from another angle. Joe Lieberman also supports the war and most of the issues McCain has supported, maybe we should make him the nominee.