Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Democratic corruption du jour

Today it's Kathleen Sebelius
Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama's nominee to become Health and Human Services secretary, said in a letter obtained by the Associated Press that she made "unintentional errors" on her taxes and has corrected her returns from three different years.

In the letter, which was sent to senators and dated today, Sebelius wrote that she had made changes related to charitable contributions, business expenses and the sale of a home, according to the AP.

The wire service reports that she and her husband paid just over $7,000 in back taxes, along with $878 in interest, for the years 2005-2007.

Tom Daschle, the president's first HHS nominee, previously withdrew from consideration over tax issues, as did chief performance officer nominee Nancy Killefer.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, US Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, meanwhile, were confirmed despite issues related to their taxes.

She must have read the Tim Geithner's Book of Tax Evasion (and still get the government job you want).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Another democrat with "unintentional" tax errors. All unintentional errors, huh? I wonder when the media will notice that the dems have gone through at least 6 nominees and are still batting 1.000.

That is, every single one with said "unintentional" errors, has had that error work IN THEIR FAVOR. The law of averages would have "unintentional" errors result in overpayment of tax 50% of the time, right?

Take a coin and flip it 6 straight times. What are the odds that all 6 times it will come up heads? That is the same odds that these errors are "unintentional".

Yet the media has spent less total time checking these people out than it did on Joe The Plumber.