Tuesday, August 14, 2007

School's out

To my non conformist urbanite friend I met last weekend.

Here's another bit of that suburban conformity. Kids go to school and actually learn something.

As a challenge to any school board's out there. I would like to know. How much money per student would take to adequately teach our kids competitive life skills?

Is it $10,000?
Maybe $15,000?
How about $20,000?

If we dropped $40,000 per kid in the Cincinnati Public Schools, would that be enough to adequately teach the kids in those schools?

For those of you educated in CPS, you're probably not familiar with the economic term "law of diminishing returns". Basically, if we were to put another billion dollars in CPS would the results really look any different or are we just burning money with a blow torch?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At $40,000.00 per kid, why even teach them...set up trust funds for the little idiots.