Monday, April 27, 2009

Life in "Progress" City

Sharon Reed is a very active lady who has lived in Naperville for more than 40 years. During that time, she raised a family as well as founding and maintaining a successful business in our city.

Some months ago she received a $75 citation in the mail from the city of Chicago for running a stop light in their city. The evidence attached was a photo of her license plate number with some undecipherable logo/decal in front of the numbers.

Included in the photo was the rear of a Chrysler van. Her vehicle is a four-door Buick.

After many phone calls, insisting this was not her vehicle, nor was she anywhere near the location indicated, she was instructed to protest the ticket at the Daley Center.

A protest filing fee was paid. Three appearances were required in traffic court. Each one became more frustrating than the one before. It seemed the protester was not innocent before being proved guilty but quite the contrary. It became obvious that no representative of the court believed the story.

The third appearance finally got the court's attention because the license plate was produced as evidence, and although it did match the numbers on the plate, it was not identical to the plate on the photo.

After all the dust had cleared and the expenses were paid by this tenacious senior citizen, including time, parking fees, tolls as well as anguish and distress, the case was dismissed.


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