Saturday, May 02, 2009

The party of the working guy? Don't make me laugh.

Last week, I noted that Obama has reneged on a campaign promise and will not reopen the NAFTA treaty for negotiation.

Now I think this "four more years of Bush" is a good thing when it comes to this issue. But think about who supported Obama in the hopes of getting rid of this treaty.

It was organized labor or basically the guys who represent middle class, working stiff.

My question is this. Why does organized labor continue to support democrats who continually sell them out on this and every other issue where working laborers have a stake.

Think about it. In my hills they die on pieces. You put a common working Joe against any of the issues I note in those posts and you tell me who wins.

For instance, let's go through the list.

#7 Caribou - OK, we have the ability to explore and build out energy platforms across the Arctic and in the gulf producing good high-paying jobs. Do democrats support the working guy over the interests of environmentalists?

#6 Judicial Fiat - Many of our rights have been single handedly usurped by judicial decisions made by liberal court judges. Issues that impact conservative working folks like gun laws, abortion, prayer in schools, etc. Who do you think the democrats support; the working guy or socialist court judges?

#5 The NEA - Our public schools are a flat out mess. The condition of our public schools impact the poor and middle class harder because they can't afford any private school alternatives. Do you think democrats put the interest of the working folk in front of teacher's unions?

#4 The Welfare State - You show up to work every day, pay your mortgage, your taxes and next door, a welfare queen with four kids (from different daddy's) and a shack up, drug dealing, boyfriend moves in selling drugs. Do you think democratic policies put the working guy in front of these dead beats?

#3 Trial Lawyers - We can already document how our litigious society makes all of our products cost more. Increases that adversely impact working people over rich ones. Do democrats support tort reform, which helps the cost of goods for poor consumers, over the interests of tort lawyers.

#2 Affirmative Action - So your kid works his ass off to get into an ivy league school. Unfortunately, Michael Jordan's kid work's his ass off too, with the help of tutors and aides. There's one spot open. All other things being equal, who do you think a democrat will take into that school?

#1 Abortion - You're a working stiff who has done right by your kids and your 15 year old daughter gets pregnant. If the democrats have their way, who has more influence on her "choice". A Planned Parenthood doctor or you?

That really makes for a perfect 0-7 when the average working guy's interest gets matched up against the liberal agenda of the left.

So remind me again how the democratic party is the party of the working guy?

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