Saturday, May 02, 2009

Single payer health care

Let's assume that your doctor tells you that you have one year to live, but if you take your entire life savings, you can extend your life for an extra year.

Would you spend it?

My guess is the answer probably depends on what your net worth probably is. If the only thing you have is a couple of rottweilers living under your front porch, I'm thinking you'd say, sure.

But let's say your retirement and life savings amounted to $400,000, how would you answer?

What about a million?

Now let's twist this around. Would you spend all of your life's saving to extend your neighbor's life for another year?

I'm thinking that the answer changes to where even the guy with the rottweilers is probably not so interested in helping his fellow man out.

That is the pivotal question as it relates to socialized medicine, or single payer for the "progressives" who want to sanitize the truth.

Of course, liberals love these ideas, even though they give nothing to charity already (see Joe Biden). But ultimately, you will be cutting the checks for my health care.

Thank you in advance, just make the checks payable to Gordon's health care. I'll let you know how much all you generous liberal types are willing to pay to keep me alive.

Here's a piece analyzing the ability of government to actually operate a healthcare system. And if they manage that like they've managed the financial systems, good luck.

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