Monday, April 27, 2009

What is torture?


Anonymous said...

IMO, there is only one question that matters. The question is not what is or isn't torture. The question is whether torture works. If it does work then it should be used, particularly on high value detainees. If it doesn't work then is simply a form of sadism.

If the whole story of this ever sees the light of day it will show that torture often works.

If a prisoner knows of a plot that will result in the loss of an innocent life then that prisoner's life is worthless until he produces information. End of story.

There is a mother somewhere in LA who is able to hug her child every day thanks to the bomb blast that did not go off as a result of torture. That mother, oblivious to the gift this country gave to her, is marching in protest to have Bush prosecuted on war crimes. That's the irony.

Anonymous said...

And another thing. Huge, huge mistake by Obama to release all this information. This shows his inexperience. In a $10 poker game you never show cards while the game is on. He has basically made a promise that he will never condone harsh interrogation under any circumstance. He has basically played his hand for the next 3 1/2 years. Very dumb move in a $10 poker game. Catestophic in the realm of national security.

gordon gekko said...

Lot's of liberals think we were just doing this for shits and giggles.

There was a lot of thought and debate as to what to do and when to do it.

These clowns live in a fairy world where they believe that if you just close your eyes and dream it away it will.

Anonymous said...

If they want to know what torture is, send them to Catholic school, I am sure the nuns could dish out a little "water boarding" for them