Tuesday, May 01, 2007

When Global Warming is Not

Now that we know that SUV's are the cause of everything wrong in our environment, it's interesting to see that Mars continues to warm.

If you're a greenie, your first guess is what? Those rovers up there are really SUV's sitting on idle.

Yep, Mars has warmed by .5 degrees celsius since 1970 and is starting to lose it's southern ice cap.

But I love how some of these GWDD (Global Warming Ding Dongs from here on out), try to explain that away.

In a paper published in the journal Nature, she suggests that such winds can stir up giant dust storms, trapping heat and raising the planet’s temperature.

Let me make sure I've got this right, when Mount Pinatubo blows volcanic ash across the world & temperatures dropped because the soot blocked the sun rays, but on Mars, dust entraps the heat.

Isn't it also interesting that this article is based on NASA data yet was reported in Britain. Where's the US coverage?

By the way, it's day 14 of the Sheryl Crow Carbon Foot Print Tour. This past weekend, she hauled her biodiesel caravan to NY for the Bob Costas annual benefit show. By the way, has anyone noticed that Bio Diesel Sheryl has allowed her songs to be used by 4, yes that's, FOUR car companies. You know, the evil companies conspiring with big oil and big tobacco to ruin the world.

I'm glad she's down to a square and that she probably would never want to shake old Gordon's hand.

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