Friday, October 05, 2007

Don't worry be happy

The NY Times goes after Justice Thomas with one of their liberal hit pieces.

The level of hostility is striking. He grew up fearing the Ku Klux Klan, he says, but “my worst fears had come to pass not in Georgia, but in Washington, D.C., where I was being pursued not by bigots in white robes but by left-wing zealots draped in flowing sanctimony.”

This the whole problem with liberals, they place absolutely no value on qualities such as character, dignity, honor. integrity. If they did, they would understand why the assassination of one's character, is akin to lynching.

It also explains why liberals are so willing to sacrifice their own character and integrity to achieve an end.

Look at the Times itself. The paper lacks any sort of integrity as a paper of record anymore so why shouldn't attack the character of someone else. It's a quality of no value to them.

It's why liberal senators like Howard Metzenbaum are willing to give up their own integrity to release classified FBI documents to the press. It's why people like Bill Clinton are so willing to commit perjury. It's why people like Ted Kennedy can actually kill another person and have absolutely no shame in remaining in the public eye.

And it's why liberals could never understand why anyone would be willing to give their life to an American cause by joining the fight in Iraq.

After all, if you have no reason to live for your own honor, dignity, character, integrity, why the hell would you want to die for it.

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