Wednesday, October 03, 2007

When they eat their own, Part Dos

Another liberal piling on democrats for their handling of the war.

Money Quote

The war is increasingly perceived as a low-level annoyance, barely even making the news. Amazingly, it now appears possible that the Republicans will suffer no long-term political damage for having started and for continuing to support what is arguably the most disastrous war in U.S. history.

It's always been my position from the days the war became unpopular that the American public was less against the war than the infighting amongst the politicians about the war.

Let's face it, the American public wants to be pacified. They want to watch the news and see more dirt on Brittaney and K-sperm or the latest rehab assignment for Lindsay Lohan. They sure don't want to be bothered by nuisances like a war or social security reform.

So when they're polled the question "Are you in favor or opposed to the war?". The answer is opposed because it's taking air time away from my Dancing with the Stars program.

I will say this about democrats, they've done an excellent job of setting up institutions that make our electorate functionally illiterate and then appeasing them with TV sound bites.

Can you imagine the public actually sitting through the famous Lincoln-Douglas debate today?

I want my MTV.

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