Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fear of Socialism

In general, I think Joe Conason is a hack writer. Yet I found myself in agreement with his title "Why socialism evokes no fear"

I agree with the general premise, but disagree as to why. I still contend Americans want to be pacified, they don't want to hear bad news; unless it's about a David Hasselhoff DUI.

Americans are tired of the debate they never wanted in the first place. I have a convenience store client where I go to buy my coffee and paper every morning. I can tell you that as long as the average Joe can buy his cigarettes, coffee, & lottery tickets every morning, they don't give two dumps about SCHIP, the Iraq war, or Norman Hsu.

So Katie, get the poor child with no insurance off the screen, I just heard K-sperm knocked up another girl friend and I want the details.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link.