Friday, October 12, 2007

Those pesky liberals

Apparently, the democratic party is getting frustrated by the pressure many liberal groups are putting on them to advance the liberal agenda. According to this article

Representative Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat, is as closely tied to the issue of gay rights as Barney Rubble is to Fred Flintstone. But recently, Mr. Frank has been under siege by gay rights groups.

They are angry because Mr. Frank has removed specific language about “gender identity” from the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, a bill that would protect gay men and lesbians in the workplace and that gay rights advocates say would now leave transsexuals and transgender individuals vulnerable.

The democrat complaints about liberals actually mirror the rift between conservatives and republicans, Remember the infamous Trent Lott quote about conservative talk radio

Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem.”

One of the things talk radio, the internet, and blogs, in particular, have done in the political stratosphere is to force a distinction between republican/conservative, liberal/democrat and to force politicians to toe the ideological line.

Obviously, libs and conservatives are most passionate about the debate and, as a result, drive the debate. Politicians hate it because they no longer have the ability to hide behind nuance; play the moderation card. They can no longer pull the old "I was for it before I was against it" caca because the blogs will tear it apart.

I think this is a good thing for conservatives. Imagine the public's appetite for a bill protecting the transgender population. It goes no where.

So let's keep up the pressure on these guys and maybe we'll actually get some conservatives in office and not republicans like RINOvich and Lott.

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