Friday, January 04, 2008

A political junkie's most hated things about politics

A good read at Townhall titled 10 Things a Political Junkie Hates about Politics.


Fear Of Offending Anyone: Because politicians are always thinking about the next election instead of actually serving the people who put them into office, they're terrified of actually doing anything that might offend someone. In today's society, where whole organizations full of people make a living by pretending to be perpetually offended -- what that means is it takes a small measure of courage, one that most politicians don't seem to have, in order to do almost anything.

They are terrified to put an end to illegal immigration because that might offend Hispanics. They can't call for an end to Affirmative Action, which is a racist policy that discriminates against white people, because that might offend blacks. They can't say anything nice about the Boy Scouts because that might offend gays. They can't point out that the problem with our schools isn't funding, it's the teacher's unions, because they'll be accused of hating children. They can't point out that wind, solar, ethanol, and the other alternative fuels that every politician in America seems to tout are, at least for the moment, technological jokes that can't come close to replacing oil because they'll offend the environmentalists. They can't point out that Muslims are more likely to engage in terrorism than anyone else because they'll be accused of hating Muslims.

One of the reasons that the American people are so cynical about politicians is because there are so many obvious truths that politicians won't delve into out of fear of offending anyone. It gets old.

This is the main complaint I have with republicans. Let's face it, Jesus Christ himself could never pull an approval rating above 60%. It's always been my belief that the political population is divided into 40-40-20 segments. 40% of the population will always hate you no matter who you are or what you do. 40% will love you no matter who you are or what you. The remaining 20% is in flux.

Historically, too many republicans seem to want to chase 60% of the population instead of taking care of the 40% who put them where they are. And then clowns like Mike Dewine, wonder why conservatives don't show up on election day.

But the fact is, when you run on principle you take care of your base and most of the 20% in the middle will be drawn to your principles. It's not rocket science.

Ronald Reagan was an unabashed conservative. Yet he won the endorsement of labor unions because he believed in what he believed.

Look at a ding dong like Ross Perot, who pulled 18% of the vote; not because he promised everything to everyone but because he had a vision that people could take hold of. Even when they didn't agree with a lot of his beliefs.

It's exactly why I never watch debates, Sunday morning news shows, State of the Unions, etc. If I want smoke blown up my ass, I'll go get a hooker.

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